Rachel mentioned that the team would be going to Portland, Oregon to Camp Winihaw for the team offsite in July.
Team All Hands
Rachel Adams:
Yeah, it ended up being between a shorter team trip to Kauai or sort of a longer stay in Oregon. Scott has been to Camp Winihaw before and highly recommended it because of the team options, so we'll be headed there late July.
Frequently asked questions
Is Circleback secure?
Your data safety and privacy is our top priority. All of your meeting data is encrypted in transit and stored securely. Only you have access to your meeting data, which you can delete at any time. We will never sell your data. Visit security.circleback.ai to learn more.
How exactly does Circleback work?
Circleback can join any Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or WebEx meeting. Copy your meeting link and paste it into the top-right field after you log in, or connect your calendar and have Circleback automatically join the meetings you choose. For in-person conversations, you can use Circleback on your phone/laptop to record or import a meeting.
How fast will I get my notes?
Within minutes of your meeting ending, you'll have access to your AI-generated notes, action items, transcript, and recording (if enabled).
What platforms does Circleback work with?
Circleback works with Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx, Slack huddles, and in-person meetings. We also integrate with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar for auto-joining meetings.
What languages does Circleback support?
Circleback automatically detects the languages spoken in meetings and works with over 100 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Dutch. Click here to view all supported languages.